File under: development, Go, Golang, Android, VNC, Virtual Reality

VR VNC Viewer

View your desktop in Virtual Reality

VR VNC lets you view your computer's desktop on a large virtual screen.

Download the Android App.

To use vrvncviewer, you need to start a server on your desktop, and vrvncviewer on your mobile. Both computer and mobile must be on the same network (e.g. connected to the same WiFi station), and have an IP address between and

vrvncviewer will scan this part of the network for vnc servers, and mjpeg servers (mjpeg on port 8080). VLC and some other players can stream videos over http/mjpeg.

Mjpeg desktop server

You can use this MJPEG Desktop Streamer. The source is available too.

Unzip rtaVideoStreamer, start it and then start the Android app. VR VNC Viewer will scan the local network to find rtaVideoStreamer, and automatically connect.

VNC server

You will need to install a VNC server, and set the password option to 'no password'. There are many choices for vnc servers, a small selection are listed here:




MacOSX has a VNC server built in. To enable it, follow these instructions:

Setup VNC for MacOSX.

Android app

Download and install VR VNC Viewer from the play store. After you have started your VNC server, start VR VNC Viewer. VR VNC Viewer will scan the local network for your computer, and display it in VR.

Finding your computer should take a few seconds. If vrvncviwer loses the connection or freezes, you will have to close the app and start it again.


vrvncviewer currently runs at around 3 frames per second, regardless of settings. With a fast phone and fast network, it might be a bit higher.

To get the best performance, lower your screen resolution to 800x600, or even better, 640x480

Known issues/work to do

Privacy Policy

VR VNC Viewer does not record or transmit any user data.